Welcome Service Tirol

The Welcome Service Tirol is the first point of contact for Tyrolean companies and universities and their international, highly qualified employees.

© Tirol Werbung, Foto: Pupeter Robert

Childcare in Tyrol

In Tyrol, families have access to a wide range of childcare facilities that reflect the different needs of children and parents. Childcare in Tyrol places great emphasis on a loving and supportive environment where children can learn and develop through play.

The facilities range from crèches for the youngest children to kindergartens for children aged 3 to 6 years, as well as mixed-age groups. In Tyrol, there are both public and private facilities that pursue various educational concepts. Childminders and afternoon care facilities further expand the range of childcare on offer.


Crèches in Tyrol generally accept children from the age of one or one and a half. The crèche is usually attended until the child's third birthday. After that, children transfer to kindergarten at the earliest possible time (see section “Kindergartens” below).

Public crèches

Public crèches usually have registration deadlines. Whether late registrations are possible depends on the respective regulations. However, even if the registration deadline is met, it is advisable to clarify whether a place in a public crèche can be expected at all (there are often not enough places for the number of registrations). Completing the registration form for a public crèche is no guarantee of a place!

To avoid the risk of being left without childcare, it is often safer to look for a place in a private crèche at the same time.

Private crèches

Registration in private crèches is subject to their respective regulations and deadlines. The places in the crèches are very often fully booked (many parents start looking for a place before the child is born). But don't let this put you off - places often become available again unexpectedly, for example because children move with their families.

For the quickest possible success, it is advisable to search intensively and to register in various facilities (waiting list). However, please take note of the cancellation conditions so that you do not have to pay for a place that is not taken up.

How to get a place in a private crèche:

  • The “Dachverband Selbstorganisierte Kinderbetreuung Tirol” (umbrella organization of self-organized childcare) is a network of many private childcare facilities that are listed on its website: It is possible to contact the umbrella organization to check if there are any known vacancies among its members.

If no place is found in this way, it is necessary to contact the individual crèches directly to enquire about a place or to be placed on a waiting list:

  • The "Frauen im Brennpunkt" association runs six crèches in Innsbruck, one crèche in Reutte and one in Ehrwald.
  • The "Kinderfreunde" association runs five crèches in Innsbruck and a company crèche in Hall.
  • The "Volkshilfe Tirol" runs crèches in Hall, Oberndorf, Serfaus, Thiersee and Westendorf.

Further crèches can be found in the overview of all childcare facilities provided by Land Tirol. The city of Innsbruck also has a website where you can search for crèches with free places in Innsbruck, provided the free places are registered with the city.

You can find a lot of information on the crèches' websites, for everything else please contact them directly. Of course, we are also happy to assist you at any time!


Childminders (“Tageseltern”) are qualified professionals who look after children in their own home or in a suitable room. The small groups cared for by childminders promote personal attention and a family atmosphere.

There are various facilities in Tyrol that arrange childcare places with childminders, for example:

You will find interesting information and details of available places on their websites. For further questions, please contact the associations mentioned directly. If you need additional support, we will also be happy to assist you free of charge!


Public kindergartens

Children who will be three years old by the deadline in the municipality concerned can apply for public kindergarten for the year in question (i.e. the child is registered during the registration period preceding the deadline). If the kindergarten is an age-extended kindergarten, it may be possible to register younger children.

There are official registration deadlines for public kindergartens (see, for example, the registration deadline in Innsbruck). It is not always possible to meet the official registration deadline when relocating. Find out before the move whether there is an opportunity for your child to start at a public kindergarten during the year (this is often not possible). However, always check - even if you can meet the official registration deadline or if a mid-year start is not ruled out - how good the chances are that your child will receive a public kindergarten place. This will give you clarity as to whether you need to organize an alternative (in the form of private childcare) to be on the safe side.

Please note that children who turn five by the official deadline are required to attend kindergarten! It is advisable to clarify in good time whether a suitable public kindergarten place is actually available (especially at the desired location) or whether you should switch to a private kindergarten place to be on the safe side.

Please note that kindergarten is compulsory for children who turn five by the official deadline. It is advisable to clarify in good time whether a suitable public kindergarten place is actually available (especially at the desired location) or whether you should switch to a private kindergarten place to be on the safe side (also to avoid being forced to accept a kindergarten place that is too far away from your place of residence).

Private kindergartens

There are also many private kindergartens in Tyrol. Each of them has its own admission and registration modalities, which must be clarified with the respective kindergarten or kindergarten provider. Most kindergartens accept children from the age of three. If the kindergarten is an age-extended kindergarten, it may be possible to register younger children.

Kindergarten places in private kindergartens are also in high demand and often fully booked, which is why it is important to look for a kindergarten place as early as possible (please also note that kindergarten attendance is compulsory for children who are five years old by the official deadline).

How to find a place in a private kindergarten in Tyrol:

The “Dachverband Selbstorganisierte Kinderbetreuung Tirol” (umbrella organization of self-organized childcare) is a network of many private childcare facilities that are listed on its website: It is possible to contact the umbrella organization to check whether it is aware of any available kindergarten places at its member kindergartens. If no place is found in this way, it is necessary to contact the individual kindergarten directly to enquire about a place or to be placed on a waiting list.

Further kindergartens can be found in the overview of all childcare facilities provided by Land Tirol. The city of Innsbruck also has a website where you can search for crèches with free places in Innsbruck, provided the free places are registered with the city.

As there is no central office for all private childcare facilities, you need to check the websites of the childcare facilities or contact them directly to find out whether a place is available. For the quickest possible success, it is advisable to search intensively and to register in various facilities (waiting list). However, please take note of the cancellation conditions so that you do not have to pay for a place that is not taken up.

Afternoon care for pupils

In Tyrol, there is usually school-based daycare (directly at the school) or after-school care in the after-school care center (“Schülerhort”).

For the city of Innsbruck, you will find the right contact person as well as more detailed information on both forms of care and the corresponding registration modalities on their website.

For other municipalities, please consult their websites or contact them directly.

Please note that there are also deadlines for registering for afternoon care and that these childcare places are often in high demand. Therefore, find out as early as possible whether and what kind of afternoon care is offered and how you need to proceed to secure a place for your child.

You are also welcome to contact us at any time, we will be happy to assist you free of charge!



Mag. Susanne Pedarnig-Abermann
Welcome Service Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 224
t +43 512 576262 224



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Dr. Julia Küng
Welcome Service Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 237
t +43 512 576262 237