Welcome Service Tirol

The Welcome Service Tirol is the first point of contact for Tyrolean companies and universities and their international, highly qualified employees.

© Standortagentur Tirol


Children up to the age of six

Depending on their age, small children in Austria attend crèches (1-3 years) and kindergartens (3-6 years). Another possible form of care for small children involves daycare providers working with small groups of children, usually in their own homes ("Tagesmütter"/"Tagesväter").

Compulsory schooling (1st-9th grade)

In Austria, children must attend school for nine years (education is compulsory until the age of 18). They start their school career on September 1 following their 6th birthday  (certain deviations are possible) with the four-year elementary school, called "Volksschule".

In Tyrol, there are public and private elementary schools as well as elementary schools with a multilingual or international focus (partly public and partly private). Austria has strict educational standards that help to ensure that pupils receive a high-quality education. The majority of children attend a public school, but private schools can also be an attractive alternative. 

For public cumpulsory schools, there are statutory school districts, which means that children cannot choose their public elementary school freely, but must attend the one in whose district they have their main residence (exceptions are possible under certain conditions). The Innsbruck Elementary School (Accredited European School), the Accredited European School at the Altwilten Elementary School  (see below) as well as its bilingual class, for example, are not bound to municipal school districts (their respective admission and registration modalities must be observed). Another example of a public elementary school that differs from other public schools in its registration and admission modalities is the Praxisvolksschule of the Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol. Private schools are not bound to statutory school districts.

After the four years of elementary school, there are two types of school that children can attend: Either they attend a (four-year) middle school (Mittelschule; called "compulsory secondary school"on the OeAD website) or an academic secondary school (Gymnasium or also known as AHS), which comprises a total of eight school levels. However, it is not compulsory to stay there for eight years (see below "Aged 14 and above").

The choice of school is of course important and many parents in Tyrol want their children to attend an academic secondary school (Gymnasium) after elementary school. This requires very good grades. There are also middle schools that are known for their very good standards but do not have quite as strict criteria as academic secondary schools - these are also very popular. 

Registration for elementary school usually takes place at the elementary school itself, and the annual general registration deadline (usually in February for the start of school in September of the same year) is announced publicly. However, some elementary schools have special admission procedures (e.g. private schools, Volksschule PH Tirol) and their own deadlines, some of which even require registration the year before.

You should also find out about academic secondary schools (Gymnasien) and middle schools (Mittelschulen) early and in detail. The registration deadline for most academic secondary schools and middle schools is at the beginning of the year for the start of school in September of the same year. However, some schools require enrollment in the third year of elementary school, and some schools are so popular that only a very limited number of applicants can be accepted. 

If it is not possible to meet the registration deadlines (e.g. because a child who is already of school age is moving into the country), it is advisable to contact the relevant school as early as possible and already from abroad. For further information on the education system see the OeAD website, for example.

In order to avoid mistakes due to a lack of knowledge of the system, we strongly recommend to seek advice from the Bildungsdirektion Tirol on the choice of school for your child (before moving to Tyrol and again long enough before switching from elementary school to secondary school)!

Multilingual and international schools for grades 1 to 4


Innsbruck Elementary School: The (public) Innsbruck Elementary School (IES) is located in the Saggen district. The IES is part of Austria's first "Accredited European School" (languages English/German).

Altwilten Elementary School (Volksschule Altwilten): The (public) Altwilten Elementary School in Innsbruck is part of Austria's first Accredited European School with Italian as the main language of instruction. Also a bilingual project (German-Italian class) has been running at the Altwilten Elementary School since 2005.

COLE Primary School: Private elementary school (bilingual English-German).


Foxhill Bilingual International School:
This private school in Zirl (without a school type designation regulated in Austria) follows a bilingual German/English concept and is open to children and young people aged 2 to 14.

Multilingual and international schools from the 5th grade onwards


International School Innsbruck
The "International School Innsbruck" is part of the academic secondary school "Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck" and is both an "IB World School" and an "Accredited European School". It offers classes with German as well as classes with English as the primary language. The school can be completed with the "European Baccalauréat" after eight school years. The school is also authorized to offer the "International Baccalaureate" in addition to the Austrian school-leaving certificate"Matura".


International School Kufstein Tirol:
The ISK Tirol (International School Kufstein Tirol) is a private school in Kufstein with an international focus. It is an academic secondary school ("Gymnasium"), consists of a lower and upper school and accepts children from the age of ten. As an "IB World School", it is authorized to offer the "International Baccalaureate" school-leaving certificate in addition to the Austrian school-leaving certificate "Matura". The language of instruction is English (in the fifth grade also bilingual German-English).

For the Foxhill Bilingual International School in Zirl, see above.

Special-needs education

There are programmes for children with special needs. Please contact the Bildungsdirektion Tirol on this important topic.

Aged 14 and above (9th - 13th grade)

If children attend a middle school after elementary school, they can then (if their grades are good enough) attend an academic secondary school (= Gymnasium) or a college for higher vocational education (Berufsbildende Höhere Schule/BHS) from the ninth grade onwards. Even children who attend an academic secondary school
(= Gymnasium) directly after elementary school often decide to change school after the eighth grade (because they want to attend a college for higher vocational education, for example). It is also important to know that, in addition to academic secondary schools with eight grades, there are upper level academic secondary schools (Oberstufenrealgymnasien) that begin with the ninth grade and last four years.

The four-year upper level of an eight-year academic secondary school and the four-year upper level academic secondary school ("Oberstufenrealgymnasium") conclude with the Austrian school leaving examination "Matura". International secondary academic schools in Tyrol offer the opportunity to acquire other or additional school-leaving qualifications (see above on the International School Innsbruck and the International School Kufstein Tirol).

Colleges for higher vocational education ("Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen"/BHS) last five years (in contrast to the academic secondary schools, pupils do not complete 12, but 13 school levels over their entire school career). In addition to the Matura, a vocational qualification for one or more professions is acquired, depending on the type of school. 

Both a Matura at an academic secondary school and at a college for higher vocational education qualifies students to attend a university or university of applied sciences ("Fachhochschule").

Schools for intermediate vocational education ("Berufsbildende mittlere Schulen") are another option (duration: one to four years). They begin in the ninth grade, are completed with a specialised examination and entitle students to work in certain professions. Afterwards, there are various options available, such as completing a course leading to the Matura.

The prevocational school ("Polytechnische Schule") can also be of interest, especially for pupils who want to learn a profession immediately after compulsory schooling.

More detailed information and further schools and options (college for early childhood pedagogy and college for social pegagogy, education and training for healthcare professions, second chance education, etc.) can be found on the OeAD website on the education system.

We highly recommend that you seek individual advice from the Bildungsdirektion Tirol when choosing a school for your child!


In Austria, apprenticeships are available for young people aged 15 and above in about 250 occupations. Most apprenticeships last between three and four years. The apprenticeships are organized as sandwich courses, with on-the-job training alternating with classes at a vocational training college. 

University, college

The "Matura" (Austrian school leaving certificate) is a prerequisite for enrolling at a university, university of applied sciences or college. It may also be possible to fulfill the admission requirements for university studies by taking the so-called "Berufsreifeprüfung" or the "Studienberechtigungsprüfung".

Austrian universities and colleges offer a wide range of study programmes in all fields from art to zoology.

Further information

A graphic presentation of the Austrian education system, which is kept regularly updated, is provided by the OeAD Österreichischer Austauschdienst, National Agency Erasmus+ Education.