Welcome Service Tirol
Are you a Tyrolean company or university and would like to employ a highly qualified person from abroad in Tyrol on a long-term basis? Or are you a qualified professional, scientist or researcher and would like to move to Tyrol to work for a Tyrolean company or university?
In either case, the Welcome Service Tirol at Standortagentur Tirol is your first port of call!
The Welcome Service Tirol supports Tyrolean companies and universities that intend to employ an international highly qualified person in Tyrol. If you represent a Tyrolean company or university and have found a person abroad whom you would like to employ on a long-tern basis, please feel free to contact us! This way we can discuss how we can best assist you and your future employee!
However, the Welcome Service Tirol is also your service point if you intend to move to Tyrol as a qualified professional, scientist or researcher in order to take up a position in a Tyrolean company or at a Tyrolean university. We will be happy to help you with any questions you may have in connection with your move together with our network. Whether it is about residence issues, the search for housing, assistance with contacts with authorities, the search for suitable childcare or school, language acquisition or other topics - we are available! Either we can provide the relevant information or support directly ourselves or we check which service center or service provider is able to help. Last but not least, the Welcome Service Tirol organizes numerous events where you can not only experience Tirol and receive valuable information, but also have the opportunity to make new, private contacts.
Please feel free to make an appointment at Standortagentur Tirol in the centre of Innsbruck, write to us or just give us a call! The team of the Welcome Service Tirol looks forward to meeting you and will be happy to assist you free of charge!
The Welcome Service Tirol is an initiative of Land Tirol, the Economic Chamber of Tyrol, the Tyrol Group of the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Tyrolean University Conference.